The Medical Cannabis World Forum 2018


On the 20th and 21st of November 2018, Malta will be holding the Medical Cannabis World Forum 2018 in the Mediterranean Conference Centre in Valletta. The forum comes in light of the legislative approval from the President of Malta for the medical cannabis to be legalized. What will happen during the event? Hold tight, we’ve got you covered.

Who is it for?

The forum is the place to be, especially for:

  • Starters, Businesses who would like to get a license to sell medical cannabis in Malta. This event will give guidelines to business to succeed in the country.
  • International or Local doctors to increase their expertise in the medical field and as well in medical cannabis.
  • Worldwide medical students who want to learn and improve themselves in the medical field and/or ready to enter this industry.
  • Experts and novices who want to know more about this industry.

Day 1

During the first day of the conference, an introduction on the subject will be given and then a discussion about the legislation currently in place in different countries such as Canada and Germany.

After the discussion about the legislation, the business side of things will be discussed and we should look at the discussion on how technology can impact the medical cannabis industry as well the perspective at the industry both internationally and locally.

Day 2

During the second day of the conference, for starters, there will be a presentation on the education and research about medicinal cannabis and how it can help patients. Other subjects to be discussed during the first part are the myths, uses, and applications of the medicine.

The last part of the conference that will consist of analysis and market intelligence on the medical cannabis European industry and regulation, compliance and governance from the government and international medical cannabis industry.


The speakers are esteemed and highly repeated and will be from across different industries to tackle the subject from different aspects and corners of the business.

For the full list of speakers click here.

How to get to the event